When you first log in to ISMS.online, you will be greeted with 3 main areas:

Updates feed

On the lefthand side, you can view a timeline of recent events and actions that you are involved in across ISMS.online.

Your Updates feed is personally tailored to what your user has access to. So depending on how your organisation operates, this may appear different for each user.

You can interact with your Updates feed by clicking on the blue hyperlinks; these will take you to the exact area where that update took place. In each post, there will be a small print that shows the broader area where that change was made. For example: 


In this section, you will see areas that you may frequently visit. You can sort this by clicking on one of the headings to order it by the type of work area, the names of each work area, or from when each was last updated.

If you would like to edit this list:

  • Add - Click the ‘Add Favourite’ button in the top right corner of the Favourites section.
  • Delete - Hover over the Favourite you would like to delete, and you will see a red "X" appear in the ‘Updated’ column.

To-do list

To-dos are a great way to ensure you are keeping on top of all your work. This list will show any actions that are currently assigned to you, sorted in chronological order by the due date.

This list will display the first 7 To-dos of any order that you have selected. For a more detailed view of your upcoming tasks, you can find this by hovering over 'Home' on your navigation bar and selecting 'To-do list'

Where to start

If you're looking for where to start, try our Assured Results Method, shortened to ARM. It's our tailored implementation plan to help you achieve ISO 27001 certification for the first time. You can find it via the navigation menu: