Where to find KPIs

KPIs can be used within Projects, Groups, and Accounts. They 


KPIs can be found on the far right of the project toolbar:


As with projects, KPIs can be found on the far right of the groups toolbar


There are several steps to locating the KPI section of an account and this is as follows

  1. Go to the accounts overview page

  2. Select "View Accounts listing"

  3. Select the account you would like to make a KPI for

  4. You can then find KPIs on the far right of the toolbar

Creating KPIs

Step One: Selecting the type of KPI that you want to create

From the KPI tab, you can click on the 'Add KPI' button to begin creating a new KPI. This will present you with the 'Create new KPI' screen.

Types of KPIs

When starting from scratch there are four types of KPIs, choose the one that best suits what you are looking to record;

  1. Red, green 
    This type of KPI indicates whether a target has been met. This is useful for compliance or binary measures. Readings that are positive to the threshold are displayed as green and readings that are negative to the threshold are displayed as red
  2. Red, amber and green
    This will allow you to measure three levels of performance and set two thresholds for the KPI
  3. Red, amber, green and exceptional
    This will allow you to measure four levels of performance and to set three thresholds for the KPI
  4. Measure only
    This will allow you to record input without any targets


Copying KPIs

This allows you to copy the title, settings, targets (but not the readings) from an existing KPI.

Summary KPIs

This will allow you to summarise multiple KPIs in ISMS.online.

Step two: Selecting the appropriate settings for your KPI

Selecting a KPI type will take you to the 'Add KPI screen'.

This page is broken down into four sections.

1. Details

These settings allow you to set a name, description, reference number, association and assignee.

Note: The 'Name' field cannot be blank.

2. Scoring

These settings allow you to set how you would like your readings to display.

Metric - You can apply a currency, % or unit metric. You are able to set the following currencies: GBP, EUR, USD, CAD, NZD, AUD, ZAR.

Note: The 'scoring' field cannot be blank.

3. Frequency

These settings allow you to set:

  • How frequently you would like readings to occur
  • How long you would like the KPI to last 
  • When you would like it to start 
  • Reminders for reviewing the KPI

Once the frequency has been set, it cannot be changed. If you decide later on that you want to change the frequency, please create a new KPI.

4. Threshold

These settings allow you to manage the thresholds that you want to apply to this KPI:

  • Fixed or varied thresholds:
    • Fixed - They remain the same from reading to reading
    • Vary over time - They vary from reading to reading
  • Higher values are better or Lower values are better
  • The thresholds for the KPI
    • The number of fields that display horizontally will depend on the type of KPI you have selected. in the above screenshot, the KPI is 'red, yellow, green', this means that two thresholds need to be set
    • If you have set the thresholds to 'vary over time', a new row of fields will display for each new threshold
    • If you have set the duration to 'ongoing' and the thresholds to 'vary over time', you can click the 'Add more' button to add another row of fields

Once you have applied your desired settings, click 'Save KPI'.

Once a KPI has been created, you can add readings to it.