At we offer a data importing service for a wide variety of Work areas. This section will talk about data importing into ISO 27001 Risk Register or ISO Generic Risk.

A few things to note before starting with your import:
  • We have a 5 working day SLA period, surrounding data changes. You can inform us if you need these changes to go live on a specific date.
  • We are unable to action an import with less than 10 items.
  • The file needs to remain in its original format (.csv). This file type is usable by all popular spreadsheet services.

Risk Register Specifics:

  • Please ensure that all fields content that exists in the platform (e.g. categories) match exactly in terms of capitalisations, spelling and spaces.
  • Please ensure that the Owner listed on the sheet exists on the platform and has access to the area.

To ensure that we can complete this data change in good time, please ensure that the template content remains intact and the locations of all cells remain consistent.


  1. Go to the settings located in the top right of the risk map
  2. Select 'Import an existing Risk Register'
  3. Download the template as prompted
  4. Complete the template by adding a new row for each item you would like to upload
  5. Once you have completed the template, or have any questions: send it to us via email, at [email protected] or via our live chat within the platform.
  6. Finally can you create a support user under support+<yourplatformname> and team that user in with administer rights into the area you are looking to import into. This is just to ensure that the import sheet lines up with the settings on the platform.

ISO Generic Risk Register

  1. Download the template for importing Risks in the ISO Generic Risk Register
  2. Follow the same points in the above list