We are pleased to announce you can now set a custom subdomain for your platform. This means that instead of accessing your platform at platform.isms.online, you now have to option to access it at <your company name>.isms.online.

This is a great step towards fully personalising your platform to your organisation. It also means that users can use the same email address across multiple platforms, as long as those platforms have a custom subdomain set up. This means you will no longer see the "user email address already in use" error for users who do not already exist on your platform! This will be particularly useful if working with a consultant or auditor who has previous access on other platforms.

How to set up a Custom Subdomain

Please note: You must be a platform administrator to complete this action

Setting up your Custom Subdomain could not be easier! Simple carry out the following steps:

1. Select Organisation settings:

2. Select 'Security Settings':

3. Enter your Custom Subdomain under 'Login URL' and select 'Save':

Once saved, you can now log in and access the platform at your Custom Subdomain!

If you already have SSO enabled on the platform

If you already have SSO enabled on your platform, you may receive the following message:

If you receive this message, you can change your subdomain by contacting support via the livechat, or contacting us at [email protected]