Note: You must be an organisation Administrator to carry out these actions.

Click on the dropdown below your name in the top right of the homepage (as shown below), then click on ‘Organisation settings’.



Click the 'Users'’ tab as shown below, and click the green ‘Create new user’. 


Add the new user’s name and the email address they will be registered with.

If the user you’re creating doesn’t work directly for your organisation and you’re creating them as a partner, locate the Partner Organisation from the dropdown list. 

Note: If you can’t find the Organisation in the dropdown list you’ll need to create it as a Partner Organisation first.

The user’s role on the platform

At this point, you can control what the user will have the power to do on the platform. You should give them either the 'Regular user', 'Occasional user' or ' administrator' role.

An organisation administrator can:

  • add users
  • edit profiles of other users in your organisation or Partner Organisations
  • edit your organisation profile
  • run usage reports

Regular users are those:

  • who are actively using the platform on a frequent basis and create, edit and own work areas (and be organisational administrators if you choose)

Occasional users are those:

  • Occasional users will use the platform occasionally and will have access to view Work areas in Users with this role cannot create new Work areas.

With regards to licenses on your platform, both Administrators and regular users would be part of your regular user allocation. Occasional users would be part of your occasional user license allocation.

You have a set number of licenses allocated to your platform. As your business and ISMS team grows, you are able to increase this number. To do so, please contact your Success Manager or email [email protected]

Grant your new user access to Work areas

Every new user on, regardless of their role (standard/administrator) needs to be added into the work areas that they will be using. 

You can also decide whether the user can Access, Administer, or Approve in a project. For more information on what these roles entail, see our guide on editing users settings.

You can set these permissions individually as per below, or to give access to everything with the select all option.

You can make it easy for a new user to know where to go first by ‘favouriting’ their work areas to appear on their home page.

  • Expand the type of area you want to add them to (example above is 'Projects') 
  • Place a tick against each one they should be added as a team member or an administrator of. 
  • Tick the 'Favourite on Home' box to add that area to the users' homepage. 

Note: You can also add users to Work areas once they have been created, click here to find out how to do so.

Welcome email

As standard will send an email to new users welcoming them to the platform, this will include a link to set their password for the first time. In addition, you can add your own content into that message, this allows you to communicate the reason for adding a user to, and potentially direct them as to what areas of the system you expect them to use. 


Note: Your user will receive the same welcome message from the platform that you do. Alternatively, select the radio button to add your own custom message to the user.

Creating the user

Click create user and a welcome notification will be sent to the registered email address.

The link contained within this email notification to get started is only valid for 14 days, if the user does not set their password within this time they’ll have to use the ‘forgotten password’ process to receive a new welcome email. 

Does your organisation use Single-Sign-On? now supports SAML Single-Sign-On (SSO)! We recommend this feature for organisations looking to roll out their platform for employee compliance and collaboration.

Currently, we support the following SSO Identity Providers (IdPs):

If you use any of the IdPs above, please see the linked guide for setting up Single Sign-On. Follow those steps and then provide us with the information listed in the guide. From there we will set you up and enable SSO!

Don't see your IdP in the list? 

    We can still support it! Simply contact our support team at [email protected] with the name of your IdP, and we will walk you through the process of setting up.

Note: If you are planning on increasing the number of users in your platform, please let support know as additional users are billable if they go over what you are contracted for.