You must be an organisation Administrator to carry out these actions. organisation Administrators have the power to edit the organisation profile and settings by clicking ‘Organisation settings’ in the name dropdown in the top right-hand corner. The organisation profile is what other members of the community see when they search for you or find you in the community area, and it’s a good place to upload public documents and provide appropriate contact details.
Organisation Profile
About us
This is where you can state your organisations' goals, responsibilities and provide organisational information. Including;
- A link to the organisation’s website
- Details of the lead contact for the organisation (often a chief executive or representative of the organisation).
- Address of Head Office
- The ability to upload and show public organisation documents that may be of interest
The organisation profile can be edited by clicking on the Profile settings tab found immediately next to Your organisation profile.

If you are an administrator for your organisation you can edit the organisation profile by clicking on the Edit Profile link. This will allow you to:
- Upload an optional thumbnail photo for your organisation
- Set the visibility of your organisation and who can see it in the community area
- Set the primary contact
- Upload any public documents you wish to share with your organisation and partners
- Set the time zone and date format for your organisation
This is a key area of your organisation as it’s here where you can add new users and change the permissions of the existing users. You can:
- View all users within your organisation
- Edit users permissions and settings
- User contact details and a direct link to their profile in
- View users who have been deactivated Security Settings
Here you have the ability to set the security settings for your organisation such as minimum password strength and the login time out duration.